Basic entrance requirements (all AES students):
Good Discipline Record: Due to the nature of the academy’s curriculum involving outside activities as well as the height of the building above the ground, it is imperative that students conduct themselves in a mature and orderly manner.
Good Attendance: The academy’s schedule is fashioned to allow for hands-on and outside activities, thus classes are longer than at the base high schools. Missing school places the student behind in the curriculum and adds a burden in making up missed assignments and keeping up with current curriculum and assessments.
Good Academic Record: The students at AES will be taking many honors classes and must be willing to work hard due to the rigor of the curriculum. Students must enroll in the classes the academy offers each semester; due to the limited classrooms and faculty available, certain courses may not be offered and some classes are only offered during certain semesters.
9th Grade:
Student applications are screened for the basic requirements, separated into MALE and FEMALE groups, numbered and randomly selected. Qualified students not selected are placed on a waiting list.
10th Grade:
Students who have completed a successful 9th grade school year at AES will be given priority enrollment for their 10th grade year. New 10th grade applications will be reviewed and student selections will be based on the remaining open 10th grade slots using the random selection process as described in the 9th grade section.
Successful 9th grade year:
1. Good attendance
2. Good disciplinary record
3. Good Academic Standing